Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Teen Retreat Spring of 2010

this years teen retreat was pretty legit, i had a pretty good time. we started out on friday by taking a boat trip to see dolphins and swim and all that fun stuff. the VCA group went with us, i think they had a pretty good time too. after the boat trip we went to Niko to take showers and get ready for the rest of the night. first we had some free time, some guys played volleyball and some people chilled in there rooms and i just stood on the beach by myself, watched the sunset, and just thought about stuff thats been goin on... wow, that sounded emo... anyways. we had our first session later that night and it was our last time to hear Pastor Schettler speak. :( after we finished we said goodbye to the VCA group and headed back to our rooms. me and a few other guys stayed up late playing risk witch was super fun. wen we finally finished at like 1 in the morning me, jeff babin, and arren bower went to our room to sleep. it was pretty bomb cause all of us actually wanted to sleep and not stay up and be dumb enough to prank. so i made sure the door was locked and got in bed. at like 2 in the morning i felt something tug on my sheets, as soon as i realized it i jumped out of bed witch freaked arren quezada out (who was pulling my sheets) and he threw a cup of water on me witch did nothing but get my shirt wet, so i just took it off... Arren and the other guys that were in there all ran out and screamed like girls down the hall(no joke, it was hilarious). whoever was hiding in the closet broke the door when they ran out. if i wasnt tired i woulda just laughed at them but it was 2 and i was pretty ticked. later they came back and tried to get in again but the door was bolted shut so i ran and flung the door open. once again, they all freaked out, threw water on me (witch did nothing again cause i didnt have a shirt this time) and ran down the hall screaming. their last attempt was around 2:30. i saw a shadow on the ceiling coming from the balcony (remember, we're on the 7th floor of a hotel). i walked to the glass door and flung open the shutter and when miles saw me standing there he screamed and jumped over the rail to the balcony next door. later he told me he almost fell off! i never thought i would ever hear miles scream... haha. anyways, the next day was pretty much a repeat. we chilled, had a few more sessions, ate good food, and played risk. i had to leave the retreat early cause i flew out to Yap that night, but that story is in the next post. click here to see more pics.

1 comment:

Ruthie :) said...

I don't think I can imagine him screaming. At any rate, I'll have to say, the background of your blog is a little busy and it makes me dizzy.

But I sure do love this post. It's funny :D I laughed every time you said that the water that was splashed on you did nothing.