In another game me, sam, and jeremy were on a team and we were
playing in the old flee market part. Sam was up on the roof, jeremy was moving in from the right, and i was moving in from the left. As i was moving up house by house i saw rio come out, look around, and go back in. I could have hit him but i didnt want to give away where i was so i tried to get closer. As i got closer mike shot me out -.- He was hiding in a bush right in front of me =(
In our last game it was Me, mike, and ryan again and we
were playin in the flee market on last time. As i was trying to find a place to snipe i found the perfect spot. It had a hole about the same size around as a quarter and it was right next to a window, so i could look through the hole and see what was going on and where people were before i looked out the window for a shot. I had my scope on rio at first but he moved a refrigerator in front of him before i could hit him, but later in the game i saw him in the door on the opposite side of the house facing the other way. I quickly shot him in the back and right as he moved out jeremy moved to the same exact place facing the same exact way! so i shot him out to. The only one left was sam, and none of us knew where he was. I slowly went in each house one by on
e looking for him until mike signaled to me that he found him. I ran around the house and me and mike pined him in. Sam was hiding in the closet on the side so i ran right in front and tried to shoot him but he got me first. Not knowing mike was there he let his guard down and mike came in from the side and got a mercy kill, but sam freaked out and didnt know where he came from or what to do so he pulled the trigger and shot mike point blank in the hand! we felt so bad for mike, i just wasnt his day cause earlier rio got a mercy kill on mike and rios gun was on safety! haha, poor mike =P
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