Monday, February 15, 2010


today wasnt a very good day for airsoft. a lot of things went wrong. for one, we had six guys and six guns, but when we got to our airsoft spot two of the guns stopped working. so during one of the rounds i wasnt playing i walked around and took some panoramas cause i knew some people wanted to see where we play...

this is the entire battle feild, you can see three rows of small houses in the back, a warehouse on the left, and im standing on a two story apartment like building:
This was the building i was standing on:This is inside the ware house:
These are two of the three rows of houses:
And this is this is behind the two rows. the building to the left is where we park and suit up for battle:
Note: you can click the image to see it full size. the pictures are warped because they are 5+ photos stitched together and are actually 180 degrees. to see other pics from the day Click Here.

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